Sharon’s Travel Blog

Cross Country Canada

Kakabekka Falls and Sailboat tour of Lake Superior

We are still camping in Trowbridge today. After breakfast at the campsite we headed over to Kakabekka Falls. The falls are beautiful. They are set in a provincial park with several hiking trails surrounding it. We viewed the falls from several viewpoints on our side of the falls, then crossed the bridge and viewed from that side. So how do you describe falls? They were not massive but quite pretty. Either side of the falls were trees and the falls actually split in two so you have falls, bare rock and then more falls. I'd like to bottle the sound as the best sleep sounds around!

We wanted to do some hiking and in concession to my leg, we chose the easy trail which was approximately 1.4 km. It was like a nice walk in the woods. It paralleled a river at one point and had several viewing stations along the route. A bit of a funny here. We passed several people also walking the trail. One couple had their dog with them and we stopped to chat. I love animals. A moment later I felt a tug at my pocket. It turns out that the dog didn't like me, he liked the pepperoni sticks sticking out of my pocket! I had forgotten about them. Bob got it away from him (he was a very gentle dog) but not without him taking a chunk out of it. The couple apologized profusely but we told them not to worry about it and had a good laugh instead. Obviously that bit of pepperoni found it's way to the next garbage station but we were able to salvage a stick and a half. Hope a little bit of people food won't hurt the dog!

We headed back to Thunder Bay after that and had lunch in town. We had booked a sailboat tour of Lake Superior for the afternoon. The weather was beautiful. We had a nice wind but not to strong. Our captain was a woman and she was very good. She knows a lot about the area and narrated a good portion of the time. We saw the docks of course, the lakers and the salties (lake only vessels vs. saltwater, ocean vessels), some of the historic buildings, lighthouse, etc. Being on the water was wonderful. At the start of the ride we were told about tilting of the boat. The boat really did tilt in the wind but didn't go over. We came very close to the water several times on each side of the boat. A little nerve wracking but fun. We were only supposed to be on the water for approximately 45 minutes but with the wind conditions as they were we stayed out for 1 1/2 hours. Very nice time.

We hiked again in the evening around the campsite. Alas, no deer this time. Had dinner at camp again and Bob built a fire again. Because there was so much less wind tonight, the fire was much easier to build and lasted twice as long as the night before. We even had some wood left over.

Tomorrow starts the next leg of our trip.