Sharon’s Travel Blog

Cross Country Canada

Moose Jaw to Regina

Today was a fairly easy day. My leg was still hurting and I couldn't put much weight on it. I didn't want to let that stop me from doing anything but we did take it a little easier because of it.

We left Swift Current and headed over to Moose Jaw. We took pictures at the big Moose (where are his antlers?!) and then took a short drive through town. We drove around the park and stopped off at Al Capone's tunnels. 

Al Capone's tunnel tour was around 45 minutes long. Sorry everyone, no pictures, their rules. It was fun. Another gentleman and myself were slower than the rest but we made it through. The actors dressed up like Chicago gangsters from the 20s. They told stories and led us through the tunnels. I learned some interesting facts that I never knew or at least never remembered about Al Capone.

We would have taken another 45 minute tour of the Chinese immigrant tunnels but I did not want to push my leg and Bob agreed.

So, we had lunch at Al Capone's Cornerstone Restaurant and then wandered over to the Mead store. They had several different varietals of Mead which I tasted all of. Bob didn't since he was driving. We bought a bottle of the melon Mead.

It was really windy out, blowing up dust everywhere. Did I forget to mention in yesterday's post how windy it was? I think that may be part of why I fell. I was literally being blown off the trail. We asked at the desk and then said it was ~50 km/hour winds.

There was not much else to do so we got into the car and headed over to Regina. It's only about 50 minutes away from Moose Jaw. We tried to go to the visitor's centre but there is so much construction going on that we couldn't get there. The GPS kept taking us in circles because it couldn't figure out how to get around the construction!

We tried to stay at Holiday Inn downtown but they felt that our car with all the stuff in it wouldn't be secure so they directed us to the one just on the ourskirts of the city. By the time we got there, I was exhausted with my leg and all and literally passed out. Bob had to have dinner without me but was able to bring me some takeout. The restaurant is attached to the hotel and it was just as well because the skies opened up shortly after we arrived. We spent a quiet night in and are looking forward to tomorrows adventure.