Sharon’s Travel Blog

Cross Country Canada

A great day in Regina

I should say a great day, but long one! We spent the morning at the Royal Saskatcehwan Museum of Natural History and the afternoon at the RCMP Heritage Center. Although my leg is still hurting, it is getting better and I didn't let that stop me.

The natural history museum was very interesting. We were able to see Scotty, the largest T-Rex. We also explored all the interesting exhibits that were available. The museum is small enough to be able to explore in a few hours which left us plenty of time in the afternoon to go the Heritage Center.

After the museum, we had lunch at Leopold's Tavern. Bob fell in love with the sign out front so of course I took a picture of him with the sign. Look for it in the slideshow.

After lunch we went to the RCMP Heritage Center. It is part of the Depot where all RCMP cadets have their basic training. We looked through the museum and took a tour of the Depot. It was really very interesting.

I was quite tired after this so I rested while Bob took a walk in the park. Of course after that it was dinner time and now time to finish the day. We are hoping to tour the Legislature building tomorrow before getting on the road to Winnipeg. I will probably not blog tomorrow as it will mostly be a driving day.