Sharon’s Travel Blog

Cross Country Canada

Today was a long day

Actually what I should say is that yesterday was a long day as I am first typing this the day after rather than last night. 

We were supposed to just spend a few hours in Winnepeg yesterday morning and then head over to Kenora and have our first night camping. As I'm sure you can already imagine, things didn't exactly go the way we had planned.

We headed over to the Forks first thing in the morning and had breakfast at the shopping area there. The Human Rights Museum didn't open until 10 am so we had to wait a bit for it. I have got to tell you, this is a museum worth visiting! As much as I thought I knew about some of the problems in the world, I feel like I knew next to nothing. It was both depressing and uplifting at the same time to be there. Depressing because you realize just how much atrocities have been, and are continuing to be done, to various populations all over the globe. Uplifting because of the awareness of what is being done to combat it.

We originally thought we would only be there a couple of hours. We wound up spending most of the morning there. Afterwards, we had lunch at the shoppes at the Fork again and took a 1/2 hour river boat tour of the two rivers. The Red River and the Assiniboine River. Between the museum and the boat tour, it was well worth the extra time we spent there.

We then started out for Kenora and with our luck, it started raining. Now, Kenora is just a couple of hours from Winnipeg. We arrived there around 5:30 pm. Since it was raining we decided to head straight through to Thunder Bay. Not only is Thunder Bay around 5 hours further down the road, but when you don't speed and only go the speed limit, slow down for the rain at times, stop for dinner and forget that there may be a time change involved, well, that adds up to not getting to a hotel until shortly after 1 am. Like I said earlier, long day!

It is hard to describe the scenery we passed. It was beautiful. After leaving Winnipeg, the plains changed to hills and forests. The colors were gorgeous. This being summer, everything was a myriad of different green colors. We passed rivers, creeks, and lakes. Since it was mostly hills there were some mild ups and downs which just made everthing prettier. We were disappointed when night hit and you really couldn't see anything anymore and have decided to limit the night driving from now on.

At Thunder Bay we found a hotel immediately (thank G-d!) and was able to get to bed somewhere shortly after 2 am. We slept in, fought with the internet until I could finally get a connection to write this and have just booked a campsite at Trowbridge Falls Campground. We'll head over there shortly. We hope to get some nice hiking in today.